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Table 23.Farming USA 2 1.12 Apk + Mod Money for Android Offline State-Level Tables, Price Indices and Implicit Quantities of Farm Outputs and Inputs by State, 1960-2004 Table 22-States ranked by level and growth of productivity Table 21-States ranked by level and growth of inputs Table 20-States ranked by level and growth of farm output Table 19-Indices of total factor productivity by State State-Level Tables, Relative Level Indices and Growth, 1960-2004-Total Factor Productivity Table 12- Self-employed and unpaid family labor State-Level Tables, Relative Level Indices and Growth, 1960-2004-Inputs State-Level Tables, Relative Level Indices and Growth, 1960-2004-Outputs Price indices and implicit quantities of farm outputs and inputs, 1948-2019 Includes decomposition into quantity and composition of inputs. farm sector (average annual growth rates, percent), 1948-2019. Price indices and implicit quantities of farm output and inputs for the United States, 1948-2019 Indices of farm output, input, and total factor productivity for the United States, 1948-2019

The quality of the national statistics is preserved.
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Note that the national data series has been revised (see Update and Revision History for details), and updates of the State-level statistics are suspended in light of reduced ERS resources and the discontinuance of key source data series. The next update to this data product-planned for early 2024-is expected to contain estimates for the U.S.

Tables also include price and quantity indices for agricultural outputs and inputs (table 1a), and summarize sources of growth (table 2). farm sector for 1948-2019 (table 1), and estimates of output, inputs, and the growth and relative levels of productivity across U.S. This data product provides estimates of productivity growth in the U.S.